Your History of Victories

A part of SRT – Self Regulation Therapy is mining for resources. This is your reservoir of victories in your life. Finding those resources and victories of strength and success in your life and talking about them creates a physiological response in the body. This is happening all the time, we just aren’t always aware of it. In SRT we want to bring awareness to it – particularly to the felt sense – to what’s happening in our bodies because that’s the language of the nervous system and how we can access it to help regulate it. We use resources in session to help contain the content we are working on in session and to prevent overwhelm. This helps build resiliency, reinforces positive neural pathways in the brain, and helps regulate the nervous system. Check out my video for an explanation on how we use this tool in session and why.
You can start mining through your own history of victories – the times in your life when you felt your best, had successes, were doing what you loved, living passionately – reflect on these and notice what happens in your thoughts, emotions, and in your physical body as you do so. SRT integrates all of these structures in the brain in session as a whole-brained approach to healing.

Would love to hear your comments and questions. Email me at [email protected]